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Taking a Break

Which Hormone is Keeping you Fat?   It only takes one hormone to prevent weight loss! 

Over-Training, Weight Gain & Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal fatigue and weight gain

Did you know:

 Diet is 80% of the equation to fat loss, supporting the adrenal glands, as well as recovering from adrenal fatigue?

You can beat Adrenal Fatigue with Proper Nutrition!

Find out how


Hormones stall fat loss



Adrenal fatigue is caused by continual overstimulation of the adrenal glands from constant stress. The adrenal glands have difficulty keeping up with the constant demands and become limited in their ability to adapt to too many stressors. This manifests as a number of symptoms, one of which is the exhaustion that doesn't resolve with the typical rest and relaxation.


Typically, most people adapt well to the stresses of life. However, as we continually place increased demands on ourselves, our adrenal glands are constantly stimulated to produce stress hormones as our bodies way of coping. As the stressors continue and less time is allowed for sleep and rest, 'adrenal fatigue is often the result.


Adrenal fatigue occurs when a person is unable to continue with their customary level of activity. This is marked by a continual deterioration of everyday functioning. Depression and decreased performance are hallmarks of adrenal fatigue. Other key symptoms include difficulty sleeping, difficulty waking up in the morning, feeling unrested, decreased energy, fatigue, increased injury, and difficulty healing. 


There are 3 types of stressors that are placed on the body - emotional, mental, and physical. Among the physical stressors are, going too long without eating, drinking coffee/caffeine and/or alcohol, eating foods you are intolerant to, exposure to chemicals in the environment (body products, kitchen products, cleaning products, etc), and higher exercise demands such as high-level physical training and marathons.




You can, in essence, overtrain and cause yourself not only adrenal fatigue but keep that body fat hanging around your belly. Plus you can feel like you have been hit by a bus! 


Overtraining is when you perform more training than your body can recover from. Once you start putting undue stress on your body, you stimulate cortisol, which in turn raises insulin and leptin levels causing fat gain and hunger and craving cycles. Severe overtraining can take weeks or months to recover from. 


It is not just the overtraining causing the lack of recovery, it is the compounded effect of emotional, mental, and other physical stressors that tip you over the edge. Work, home life, relationships, life circumstances, diet, all add to your body's, and adrenal's, ability to cope. Add to this overtraining (too high intensity and/or duration and frequency) and you have driven yourself over the limit. 




Overtraining has been shown to affect blood levels of important neurotransmitters which can lead to feelings of depression and chronic fatigue. The stress caused by intense, excessive exercise can negatively affect the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, possibly causing conditions such as hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is known to cause depression, weight gain, and digestive dysfunction along with a variety of other symptoms. As we know, high stress, in general, can cause symptoms of hypothyroidism, and the stress caused by excessive, intense exercise is no exception.




Overtraining can also have harmful effects on the immune system. Research has shown that the cellular damage that occurs during overtraining can lead to nonspecific, general activation of the immune system, including changes in natural killer cell activity and the increased activation of peripheral blood lymphocytes. This hyperactivity of the immune system following intense overtraining can possibly even contribute to the development of autoimmune conditions.



  1. Reduce the frequency - High intensity, high-stress exercise should be limited to 2-3 times a week, especially for those who are dealing with other health issues such as autoimmune conditions or digestive issues.

  2. Get adequate sleep - Make sure you are getting adequate sleep, particularly on the days you train. Interestingly, one symptom of overtraining is a disturbance of sleep, so if you’re feeling restless and having trouble sleeping through the night, you may want to reconsider the intensity of your training schedule.

  3. Incorporate rest days - this helps rebuild muscle and takes the pressure off joints and organs. In addition, rest days help to reduce the cortisol load on the body. 

  4. Choose different intensity exercises - mix in low-intensity yoga with higher intensity workouts. You may find that this stress-reducing exercise helps you recover more quickly from your more intense exercise schedule.

  5. Deloading week - significantly decrease training volume every 4-12 weeks.

  6. DIET - most importantly, address your diet. Diet is 80% of the equation to fat loss, supporting the adrenal glands, as well as recovering from adrenal fatigue. Vicki will design your personal prescription of proteins/carbs/fats specifically to suit you, your body, and you're lifestyle to boost fat loss and energy, as well as balance hormones and mood. Finally achieve the weight loss/fat loss, athletic performance, and quality of life you have desired. Find out more and BOOK your FREE NUTRITION ASSESSMENT today

Warm wishes,

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Vicki Witt | Clinical Nutritionist | Holistic Coach | Reiki Master | Certified LEAP allergy therapist

Over 25 years of successfully helping you achieve optimal health and weight loss  |

About Vicki:

Vicki Witt is a Clinical Nutritionist, Holistic Health Coach, and Reiki Master. She has been practicing over 25 years and specializes in holistically customizing diet and lifestyle plans to each individual for weight loss and hormonal control. Her clientele often report they feel the best they have ever felt and wish they had started sooner. One of the USA and Australia's top Nutritionists, she has won multiple awards for her services in the industry.


Certified and Registered Nutritionist

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