Hormones play a big role in your health and your weight. So when a substance disrupts your hormones this also can disrupt your health and can contribute to weight gain and make weight loss impossible. One substance that has recently been shown to be a hormone disruptor is glyphosate (also known as glyphosphate)

What is Glyphosate?
Glyphosate is a non selective herbicide, which means that it kills almost every plant it comes in contact with. Its primary purpose is to kill weeds for agricultural use, but it’s also used in forestry and in residential and commercial gardening.
Glyphosate is known commercially as Roundup, although not all Roundup products contain glyphosate.
Why is glyphosate banned in some places?
Glyphosate is currently banned in 33 countries worldwide. It is also banned in several US states and municipalities. There are concerns that it increases cancer risk, especially non hodgkin lymphoma and breast cancer. Glyphosate may also cause liver and kidney damage. It also persists in the soil and water so can cause long term environmental damage.
There is also new research which indicates that it is a hormone disruptor.

Glyphosate is a hormone disruptor
Hormone disruptors or endocrine disruptors are substances which interfere with your natural hormone activity. Glyphosate has been found to be a hormone disruptor. In one study it was found to mimic the effects of estradiol and has been shown to increase estrogenic activity in animals. This can increase the risk of breast cancer and increase belly and breast fat similar to the condition of estrogen dominance.Estrogen dominance can lead to irregular menstrual cycles and bloating in women.
Another study has shown that glyphosate exposure may decrease testosterone levels. This can lower the metabolism of both men and women who will struggle to maintain muscle and become more likely to carry extra body fat.
Exposure to pesticides is also linked to lower melatonin production. This negatively impacts your sleep. Getting enough sleep is important for overall health and your ability to lose weight and avoid excess fat storage. Less sleep per night has been shown to lead to dementia, Alzheimer's and memory issues/learning/concentration issues.
What can you do?
If you use weed killers that contain glyphosate in your garden be aware that you are likely being exposed to glyphosate and its hormone disrupting properties. If you are spraying it on weeds it will be airborne for a short time after spraying causing direct exposure. Choose organic methods of weed control to avoid direct exposure. Wear rubber gloves while gardening to avoid exposure and wash your hands after gardening.
The second type of exposure is through the foods that you eat. Choosing organic produce can help reduce the possibility of exposure to glyphosate. Some GMO crops have been modified to withstand glyphosate so these crops are often directly sprayed with glyphosate. It can also be sprayed on non- GMO crops to dry out the crops for a quicker harvest.
However, some organic foods can contain glyphosate. Although it is banned in organic farming, it may still be found on some organic produce. Smaller organic suppliers usually practice better organic protocols than larger corporations like Krogers, so smaller suppliers are usually a better choice.

My client's experience
Balancing hormones so my clients can lose weight needs a holistic approach. One way I help my clients is by looking at ways they can eliminate hormone disruptors like glyphosate from their lives. Eliminating hormone disruptors is one piece of the weight loss puzzle and has had a positive effect for my clients.
How I can help
With my holistic weight loss programs we’ll create a plan that takes into account all aspects of your life. I’ll guide you through the steps needed to get on the path to healthy and sustainable weight loss.
Warm wishes,

Vicki Witt | Clinical Nutritionist | Holistic Coach | Reiki Master | Certified LEAP allergy therapist Over 25 years of successfully helping you achieve optimal health and weight loss 🍏| www.vickiwittweightloss.com
About Vicki:
Vicki Witt is a Clinical Nutritionist, Holistic Health Coach, and Reiki Master. She has been practicing over 25 years and specializes in holistically customizing diet and lifestyle plans to each individual for weight loss and hormonal control. Her clientele often report they feel the best they have ever felt and wish they had started sooner. One of the USA and Australia's top Nutritionists, she has won multiple awards for her services in the industry.
Certified and Registered Nutritionist